Sunday, June 22, 2014

Random Rainy Day Thoughts

Well, the bright purple hair seems to be a hit, at least at church.  I got a few funny looks out and about this afternoon, but that is to be expected. :)  It is a little radical.  But I only get to enjoy it for a few days.  Friday at noon it is all coming off. Then I won't have to worry about it for our little weekend trip with the Crow clan up to Wisconsin.

Today at church, Todd Biegler shared about his cancer journey over the last three years.  It was so encouraging to me.  He reminded us all that God brings about these situations in our lives to ultimately bring glory to Himself.  That is just so humbling to me.  That the God of the universe would choose me to bring Him honor and glory.  I pray every day that I can meet the challenges of the day with grace and dignity.  And hopefully some laughter and fun, as well.

My headache is finally starting to subside.  It's been a LONG three days.  Unfortunately, my nurses told me I'll probably crash tomorrow, since the anti-nausea steroids will wear off.  I was supposed to feel pretty decent these last few days, but the headache put a damper on that.  I feel like my own walking pharmacy- I carry at least two bottles of pills with me everywhere in case I need them.  I should also get my Tylenol back in my purse.  :)

I still don't feel like I really have cancer.  Cancer is something that happens to people in TV shows and movies.  Or older people.  I never really had any understanding of what it is actually like to deal with.  That is part of why I started this blog.  I'm hoping it will help people have a real look at what cancer treatment is like, so if they ever would have a loved one, or, heaven forbid, themselves, go through it, they can have an idea of what happens, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

The worst part is feeling like I won't ever feel good again.  It's only been 4 days since my first chemo treatment, but I can't remember what it feels like to feel good.  I'm still recovering from 2 surgeries, as well.  The unexpected headaches didn't help either.  I know the fatigue is just going to get worse and worse as the months go on.  I'm already napping 2-3 hours each day. :)  This is where all those verses and songs about endurance, patience, and grace really come into play.  And a lot of thankfulness for a very patient, loving family.

Andy will be home from Puerto Rico about 2 am.  I'm excited to see him after a little over a week.  I can't wait to hear what he has learned and what God has shown him about himself and this world. I hope he likes my hair!!


  1. Amen! Your blog is very inspiring and I'm sure will be a blessing for many. ..... it is for me already:) LOVE the hair and am looking forward to funky hats and scarves! Am praying for you Sweetie!

  2. I was thinking of you through Todd's message and are/have/will bring much honor and glory to God, not because you have cancer but because you are His beloved child! You have been in close fellowship with Him for many years and it shows! Thanks for sharing this newest drama and the "behind the scenes" details. I missed seeing you at church but the pictures of your hair are darling!

  3. I caught a quick glimpse of your stylish doo (with purple highlights) at church yesterday morning. I *like* fact, I *like* a lot! :-) But a good friend of mine once told me that she was taught (by her Godly mother) that "beauty is as beauty does". So long brown hair, short purple hair, or no hair at all, it's the beauty within...shared with others...that is noticed most.
