Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to any dads who are reading this!  As I was lying awake this morning, I was thinking about four incredible dads I know.  The first is my husband, father of our children.  He was an amazing single dad, and is an even better one now that he has a partner.  He spends individual time with all our boys, recognizing each of their strengths and interests.  He is thoughtful in his parenting and always seeks the Lord's wisdom.  Our boys are so blessed to have such a great dad who models the love of our heavenly Father.

My brother, Rob, is another great example of fatherhood.  He regularly works multiple jobs to provide for his wife, Jenny, and three kids.  He is a model of hard work, and also of how to pursue dreams.  For years he has wanted to write a novel, and he finally did it!  He has published one book and is working on the sequel, all while working hard and raising his family.

The third dad is my father-in-law, Carl.  Carl is one of the gentlest, kindest men I know.  He is also good for a rough and tumble wrestling match on the living room floor with his grandkids.  He taught Darrin so much.  Because of Carl's expertise, we don't have to spend money on car repairs or oil changes.  He is really handy with repairs of all kinds.  He is completely devoted to his family, immediate and extended.  He must have called at least 3 times the day of my big surgery to make sure I was doing OK.  He is another great example of a godly man who leads his family well.

The fourth, of course, is my own dad, Bob.  I saved him for last because I hardly know where to start.  He is one of the most generous men I know, both financially and with his time, talents and expertise.  I had the privilege of working with him in business before I became a teacher.  He is so smart, so innovative, and easily earned the respect of the people who worked for him.  It was an honor to get to see him in that light, not as a dad, but as a businessman who glorified the Lord in all his decisions and treated his employees with honor and dignity.  He is also a man who loves to have fun, ride roller coasters (well, maybe not that one so much anymore!), camp and fish, travel, eat wonderful food, and learn something new at every opportunity.  He is a fierce defender of his family and will do anything for my mom, my brother, me, and our families.  Honestly, I think this cancer diagnosis is harder on him than on my mom.  (not that it is easy for her!)  Dads and daughters have a special bond.  I am so very thankful for my dad.  The Lord blessed me with a father who models Christ's love, and gave me an excellent template to hold up to all potential suitors.  No wonder Darrin is so great- he had to meet a really high standard!

So- to all the wonderful dads in my life- HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!  Thanks for being such great examples to me and my family.  I love you all!


  1. Thank you sweetie. You'll always be "my little girl." ;>)
    I love you! Dad

  2. You're right, Robin. Dads and daughters do have a special bond. Whenever I think of your dad, I go right back to our days sitting on the steps listening to stories of Flipper, Flapper, Flounder, and Singing Bear and then getting chocolate covered flies at the end. He's a wonderful man!
