Friday, June 20, 2014


So many movie heroes have said that courage is not the absence of fear, but it is acting despite that fear.  It took a lot of courage to sit down in that chemo chair yesterday.  As I mentioned yesterday, I had to take a lorazipam to get through it without being a weeping mess. :)  Most of you know I'm a literature and history teacher, and I love words and like to play with them.  Darrin and I often joke about the book The Red Badge of Courage.  We aren't big fans.  One of my chemo drugs is nicknamed 'The Red Devil'.  Last night I decided I should be awarded 'The Red Devil Badge of Courage.'  It made us laugh.

Everyone enjoyed the Lego Movie last night.  Afterward, Darrin and I went over to Cedar Valley and walked for about 45 minutes.  It was too rainy to walk outside.  I felt a lot better when we were done.  This morning I'm doing pretty well.  My anti-nausea drug will give me extra energy for the next couple of days, so that is good.  I get my Neulasta shot in about an hour. (to stimulate blood cell growth so they can torture me, er, treat me, every 2 weeks instead of every 3). I hear it is pretty unpleasant and causes quite a bit of pain.  I'll probably check in again to night and let you know!  Prayers appreciated!


  1. Praying for you all day, that your symptoms are minimal and manageable. Also, thanks for being so awesome to Robin, Darrin! I'm praying that you are able to be refreshed, too. :)
